Nowadays, landlords and property managers must work harder and smarter in attracting new tenants and keeping old tenants due to the stiffer competition. Prospective and present tenants want apartments, condos, and studio flats, among other types of for-rent property, with a clean look and a fresh smell for good reasons. After all, no paying tenant will want to live in dirty and grimy conditions!
For this reason, landlords and property managers should consider getting professional cleaning services! You needn’t worry about the costs since the Sears carpet cleaning prices are so reasonable, not to mention that you will recoup the costs via more tenants coming into your property.
Here are the benefits, too, that will come your way when you engage professional cleaning services.
Better Results
Of course, you can hire any willing person to clean the carpets and rugs, the upholstered furniture, and the drapes and blinds on your for-lease property. But you will not have the same excellent results as when hiring professional cleaning technicians from Sears to do the job!
You will still see stained spots, dirty patches, and dull surfaces on the soft furnishings, as well as on the tiles and grouts, when non-professionals do the job. You may have to ask the inexperienced persons to repeat the job and, thus, you will pay them extra for it. You don’t even have the assurance that their second pass will even make a dent on the deep-seated grime.
With the professionals on the job, you can demand for excellent results and they will deliver. Every item included in the for-cleaning list will be cleaner and fresher after they have applied a cleaning solution and rinse. Upon your request, they can also apply a disinfectant and deodorizer for a deep clean.
Better Cost Efficiency
Since the cleaning technicians will deliver your desired results at the first pass, you don’t have to ask them to repeat the tasks. You will then not pay them for a second time so you will enjoy better cost efficiency that, in turn, will benefit your bottom line.
Even when the cleaning technicians have to repeat a job, it will likely be covered by the company’s guarantee. You don’t have to pay extra costs for a job that should have been done according to the agreement.
With cleaner for-rent property, you will be able to attract more prospective tenants so your property usually has full tenancy – and we know what it means for your profits. You may even be able to raise rent prices because of well-maintained units and their premises.