Make Your Move Into a New House Smoother


Moving into a new home can be a stressful time because of the packing, unpacking and cleaning that must be done in order to make a smoother transition. Fortunately, you can overcome the challenges of relocation by keeping these tips in mind – and hiring professional housecleaners from the local Merry Maids branch in or near your new city or town.

Change the Locks

As soon as you have the keys to your new house, your first step is to change the locks on all of the exterior doors. Keep in mind that the realtors, previous owners, and maintenance men will likely have the old set of keys and, thus, can still access your property until and unless you change the locks. You can either install them yourself or you can hire a locksmith for the job.

Clean the House

While the previous owners may have cleaned the house after selling it, you should still clean it yourself – or better yet, hire professional housecleaners for best results, not to mention the least time, energy, and effort on your part. You don’t want to leave any stone unturned, so to speak, as a clean house can be deceiving in the sense that only the surfaces appear clean. You want spic-and-span rooms that you and your family can actually move into without worrying about pests lurking in every nook and cranny.

Paint the Ceilings and Walls

You can skip on this part, however, when the ceilings and walls are in good condition, perhaps even one of the reasons why you bought the property in the first place. You may want to paint these parts, nonetheless, when these have visible defects like cracks, holes and uneven patches, among others. You are well-advised to hire professional painters for this project although you can also undertake it as a DIY project, if and when you have the time, skills, and tools.

Install New Devices

If you bought an older house, you will notice that the outlets, cover plates, and air vent covers are mismatched, dirty and discolored, and damaged. You should ideally have these devices changed by an electrician not only for safety’s sake but also to add to the newness of the house.

Check the Heating and Cooling, Plumbing, and Electrical Systems

Of course, you should have done this step before paying for the house but in case these require changing, you must have it done as soon as possible by qualified professionals. You don’t want to live in a home with faulty mechanical systems for safety and comfort reasons.

Now that your new house is ready for occupancy, you should start packing your bags!  

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